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Tangshan Hengtai Transmission Co., Ltd.


Customer service在线客服


E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    我公司是生产各种减速器的专业公司。公司装备精良、制造经验丰富、技术力量雄厚、并以产品品种规格齐全、质量上乘、客户第一而闻名全国。多年来,一直把新产品,新技术的开发作为企业的主攻方向。我公司品种规格齐全,目前已拥有B、X系列系列摆线针轮减速机;ZDY、ZLY、ZSY系列硬齿面圆柱齿轮减速机;ZLYJ系列塑料挤出机专用硬齿面减速机;DBY、DCY系列硬齿面圆锥圆柱齿轮减速机等多个系列产品。   “建设精干的队伍,保证精心的制造,提供精良的服务”是我公司一贯坚持的质量工作方针,我们始终把质量工作放在首位,视产品质量为企业的生命。   面对入世后的全国市场,我公司定当再接再厉,以诚信为本,以客户满意为服务宗旨,竭诚为广大客户服务,并不断地有更新更优良的产品提供给客户。 
Our company is a professional company that produces various speed reducers. The company is well-equipped, with rich manufacturing experience, strong technical force, and is famous throughout the country for its complete product variety, quality and customer first. Over the years, the development of new products and new technologies has been the main direction of the company. Our company has complete specifications and specifications. At present, we have B, X series series cycloid reducer; ZDY, ZLY, ZSY series hard tooth surface cylindrical gear reducer; ZLYJ series plastic extruder special hard surface reducer; DBY, DCY series hard toothed conical cylindrical gear reducer and other products. "Building a capable team, ensuring meticulous manufacturing and providing excellent service" is our consistent quality work policy. We always put quality work first and regard product quality as the life of the company. In the face of the national market after China's accession to the WTO, our company will make persistent efforts, based on honesty, customer satisfaction as a principle of service, dedicated to serving our customers, and constantly provide new and better products to customers.


电话:0315-2863466  传真:0315-2869307  地址:唐山市国际五金城210-1号

减速机 减速机超市 Reducer - Gearbox