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Beijing Hongtai three Micro Technology Development Co. Ltd


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    北京三微鸿泰科技发展有限公司是一家专业从事数据库产品与服务、系统集成、软硬件分销的高新技术企业。北京三微软件开发公司联合工业控制,实时监控,数据采集,监控与组态解决方案。创立于1999 年,总部位于中国北京市中关村软件 研发园区,是一家专业从事网络安全产品研发、制造、销售与服务的公司。多年来一直专注于网络应用 的软件开发,在网络安全、网络分析等领域有着丰富的经验和雄厚的技术实力。三微网络安全产品具备了安全、高效、稳定、便捷、人性化的特点,凝聚了三微人多年的辛勤与智 慧。目前客户涉及教育、金融、物流、石化、政府等多个行业和部门。 
    公司在经历了十四年的发展后,现已形成了规模经营、规范运作、专业分工、统一管理的现代企业 经营模式。目前拥有员工百人,在全国拥有多家分支机构。 我们的每个案例均为定制开发,故研发成果采取保密处理,如有需要,我们将上门为您演示测试版本,谢谢您的理解。
Beijing three micro hongtai technology development co., LTD is one specialized is engaged in the flat database products and services, system integration, software and hardware distribution of high and new technology enterprise. Beijing three Microsoft development company joint industrial control, real-time monitoring, data acquisition, monitoring and configuration solution. Founded in 1999, the headquarters is located in zhongguancun software development park in Beijing, China, is one specialized is engaged in the network security products research and development, manufacture, sales and service company. Over the years has been focused on network application software development, in the field of network security, network analysis and so on has a wealth of experience and strong technical strength.education, finance, logistics, petrochemical, and other industries and government departments. Company after 14 years of development, already formed the scale operation, standardized operation, specialized division of labor, unified management of the modern enterprise management mode. Currently has one hundred employees, has many branches throughout the country. Each of our cases are custom development, so the research and development to take confidential treatment, if necessary, we will come to show you the test version, thank you for your understanding.


电话:010-88594168  传真:010-88508238  地址:北京市海淀区中关村软件园8号楼227B

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