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Hebei Huapu Machinery Casting Co., Ltd.


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


     河北华普机械铸造有限公司位于铸造名城,泊头市郝村工业区,京沪铁路、104国道、106国道、京福高速公路横穿而过,与我国的两大直辖市北京、天津近在咫尺,地理位置优越,交通十分便利。主要生产:机床铸件、机床附件、床身铸造、铸铁平板、铸铁平台、基础平板、T型槽平板、检验平板、铆焊平板、划线平板、钳工工作台。平行平尺、 花岗石量具系列(花岗岩量具、大理石量具):花岗石平板、花岗石平尺;垫铁系列:机床减震垫铁、机床调整垫铁等。扳手系列:梅花扳手、阀门扳手、F扳手、敲击扳手、单头呆扳手等产品质量得到广大用户的一致好评,欢迎您与我们联系,我们将竭诚为您服务。
Hebei Huapu Machinery Casting Co., Ltd. is located in the city of Botou city casting, Hao Village Industrial Zone, the Beijing Shanghai railway, 104 State Road, 106 National Road, Beijing Fuzhou Expressway Crossing over, and China's two municipalities of Beijing, Tianjin be close by., the geographical position is superior, the traffic is very convenient. Main production: machine tool castings, machine tool accessories, bed casting, cast iron plate, cast iron platform, the foundation plate, T shaped groove plate, plate test, Maohan flat, face plate, bench work. The parallel ruler, granite measuring series (granite, marble measuring gauge): granite slab, granite straightedges; pad iron series: machine tool adjustment cushion iron, iron pad etc.. Wrench series: the plum flower wrench, valve wrench, wrench, F praise tap wrench, single head wrench, the quality of the products get the majority of users, welcome you to contact us, we will serve wholeheartedly for you.


电话:0317-8089986  传真:0317-8176339  地址:河北省泊头市郝村工业区

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