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Yangshuo Huijia Bamboo & Wood Products Co., Ltd.


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    阳朔汇佳竹木制品有限公司系广西较早生产建筑模板的企业之一。旗下设有:广西桂林汇佳竹木制品有限公司第一工场和第二工场;阳朔名匠竹木制品厂。    公司位于广西桂林市阳朔县葡萄工业园区,地处桂林至阳朔旅游黄金通道边上,距桂林市区38公里,阳朔县城22公里,桂林火车货运站40公里,距桂林两江国际机场约1小时车程;汽车运输十分钟可上高速。得天独厚的交通优势拉近了阳朔汇佳公司与世界的距离。    近10年专心专注耕耘与发展,凭借诚信为本,质量至上的经营方针;永不自满,精益求精的经营理念和追求卓越,优质服务的指导思想。打造出了公司自有品牌——“汇佳”牌桉木建筑模板,以其超群的品质和完善的售后服务,成为行业内广受客户欢迎的混泥土模板用胶合板品牌。    凭借着对建筑胶合板市场的持续关注和尽心耕耘,历经近10年发展,我公司不断技术创新,不断完善生产流程,对质量精益求精,在阳朔县葡萄镇建立了2个自有生产基地。公司定位于科技含量高,工艺技术先进,附加值高的胶合板产品的开发、研制、生产。引进了具有国内先进水平的胶合板制造生产加工设备,并配套了国内先进的热压后加工设备,已发展成为一家集技术研究、产品开发和生产于一体的胶合板生产企业,能独立完成从产品设计到成品生产的一整套工序,并大力拓展国内外广阔市场。    阳朔汇佳竹木制品有限公司旗下两个胶合板生产工厂,坚持以人为本,配备齐全产品检测手段,严格实施5S管理(整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养),作业现场整洁,管理严格,操作规范,服务客户至诚周到。每天源源不断生产的松木、桉木等材质各种规格的胶合板超6000张,成为桂林最具规模的木制胶合板生产企业之一。    “汇佳”牌多种规格的桉、松木等原木混泥土模板用胶合板,选料精细,用胶考究,质地优秀,具有“耐磨性好,防水性强,坚固耐用,表面平整,厚度均匀”等特性,“优质、规范、专注、专业”的运营理念,获得广大客户的信赖,“汇佳”牌优质的混泥土模板用胶合板,远销国内广东、福建、广西、四川、湖南、新疆、山东等省市和地区。
Yangshuo Huijia Bamboo & Wood Products Co., Ltd. is one of the enterprises that produced building templates earlier in Guangxi. It has: the first workshop and the second workshop of Guangxi Guilin Huijia Bamboo & Wood Products Co., Ltd.; Yangshuo Mingzhu Bamboo & Wood Products Factory. The company is located in the grape industrial park of Yangshuo County, Guilin City, Guangxi Province. It is located on the edge of Guilin-Yangyang Tourism Golden Passage, 38 kilometers away from Guilin City, 22 kilometers away from Yangshuo County, 40 kilometers away from Guilin Railway Freight Station and about 1 hour drive from Guilin Liangjiang International Airport. The car can be transported for 10 minutes in high speed. The unique transportation advantage has brought the distance between Yangshuo Huijia and the world. In the past 10 years, we have been dedicated to the cultivation and development, relying on the principle of honesty, quality first, the principle of never complacency, excellence and the pursuit of excellence and quality service. It has created the company's own brand - "Huijia" brand eucalyptus building template, with its superior quality and perfect after-sales service, it has become a plywood brand of concrete template which is widely welcomed by customers in the industry. With continuous attention and hard work in the construction of the plywood market, after nearly 10 years of development, our company continues to improve its technology, continuously improve the production process, and strive for excellence in quality. It has established two own production bases in the grape town of Yangshuo County. The company is positioned to develop, develop and produce plywood products with high technology content, advanced technology and high added value. It has introduced the domestic advanced level of plywood manufacturing and processing equipment, and is equipped with domestic advanced hot pressing post-processing equipment. It has developed into a plywood production enterprise integrating technology research, product development and production, and can independently complete the product design. A whole set of processes for the production of finished products, and vigorously expand the broad market at home and abroad. Yangshuo Huijia Bamboo & Wood Products Co., Ltd. is a two-ply plywood production factory. It insists on people-oriented, equipped with complete product testing methods, and strictly implements 5S management (finishing, rectifying, cleaning, cleaning, and literacy). The job site is clean and tidy, with strict management and standardized operation. Serve customers with sincerity and thoughtfulness. The daily production of pine, eucalyptus and other materials of various specifications of more than 6,000 plywood, has become one of the largest wooden plywood manufacturers in Guilin. "Huijia" brand of various specifications of 桉, pine and other log concrete template with plywood, fine material selection, plastic, excellent texture, with "good wear resistance, waterproof, durable, smooth surface, uniform thickness "Operating characteristics, "quality, standardization, dedication, professional" operating philosophy, won the trust of our customers, "Huijia" brand high-quality concrete template with plywood, exported to Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Sichuan, Hunan, Xinjiang Shandong, Shandong and other provinces and regions.  


电话:0773-8705999  传真:0773-8705999  地址:阳朔县葡萄工业园区

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