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Changzhou Reducer Factory Sales Department


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    常州减速机厂有限公司是生产减速机的专业公司,已通过ISO9001-2000国际质量管理体系认证,公司拥有先进的生产设备和制造工艺,检测手段齐全,技术力量雄厚,创建于1980年,历史悠久,曾与德国汉森合资,2006年进行改制,进行重组,更名常州福诺传动机械有限公司。公司主要产品有:8000系列摆线减速机;B、X系列摆线针轮减速机;ZDY、ZLY、ZSY、ZFY系列硬齿面圆柱齿轮减速机;ZLYJ、ZSYJ系列塑料挤出机专用硬齿面减速机;DBY、DCY系列硬齿面圆锥圆柱齿轮减速机;GR系列斜齿轮减速电机;GS系列斜齿轮蜗轮蜗杆减速电机;GK系列弧齿锥齿轮减速电机;GF系列平行轴斜齿轮减速电机;PV系列通用齿轮箱;MBY边缘传动磨机减速机等十几个系列上百个品种的减速机,具备非标减速机从研发、设计、制造的全套技术力量和先进的测试手段。我公司产品质量在同行业名列前位,产品远销东亚,欧美各国。公司宗旨:本公司遵循“求实、务实在、诚实”的宗旨,坚持质量第一,用户至上,不断创新的方针,愿与您携手合作,共同为发展传动事业不断努力。欢迎新老客户来函来电洽谈! 联系人:蒋维(13775283126)传真:0519-86485959
Changzhou Reducer Factory Co., Ltd. is the production of speed reducer of the Professional Company, has passed ISO9001-2000 international quality management system certification, the company has advanced production equipment and manufacturing techniques, detection means complete, strong technical force, founded in 1980, has a long history, worked with the German Hansen venture, restructured in 2006, restructured, renamed Changzhou Fono Transmission Machinery Co. company. Company's main products are: 8000 Series cycloid reducer; B, X series cycloid reducer; ZDY, ZLY, ZSY, ZFY series hardened cylinder gear reducer; ZLYJ, ZSYJ series of plastic extruder special Hardened reducer; DBY, DCY series hardened tapered cylindrical gear machine; GR series helical gear reducer motor; GS series helical worm gear reducer motor; GK series spiral bevel gear reducer motor; GF series parallel shaft helical gear reducer motor; PV series universal gear; reducer MBY edge driving mill reducer and more than a dozen series of hundreds of varieties, with non-standard reducer from the full set of technology research and development, design, manufacture and advanced test method. The quality of our products in the same industry ranked first, the products are exported to Asia, Europe and the United states. The purpose of the company: the company follow the "truth-seeking, pragmatic, honest in" the purpose, adhere to quality first, customer first, continuous innovation policy, is willing to cooperate with you, common development cause of the continuous efforts for transmission. Welcome new and old customers letter calls business negotiations! Contact: Jiang Wei (13775283126) fax: 0519-86485959


电话:0519-86485965  传真:0519-86485966  地址:常州市武进高新区塘洋桥

减速机 减速机超市 Reducer - Gearbox