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Dongguan ruixin electromechanical co., LTD


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    2005年10月成立东莞市虎门众钛机电经营部.主营高压风机,齿轮减速机,涡轮减速机,无极变速机等台湾产品;2006年11月成立东莞市锐鑫机电有限公司.在经营部的基础上增加了台湾世协小电机等主打产品; 2015年成功收购一家减速机生产厂家,并在杭州合作设厂成立锐宝减速机(中国)有限公司.研发生产销售锐宝行星齿轮减速机.采用全套德国设备,运用精益求精的工艺技术,立体感十足的设计.产品呈现出永不过时的经典风范,渗透出流线型的美妙气息,同时又不失行业标准!目前,晟风高压风机,锐宝行星减速机,分割器,已成为公司的主导产品,公司以产品品质优良,库存丰厚,交货快捷,服务及时周到服务于广大用户。我们的销售理念是:以专业打动客户,以真诚感动客户,以服务维系客户。我们不讲故事,我们追求卓越,创新发展。
In October 2005, dongguan humen zhongti machinery and electrical co., LTD. Was established, mainly selling high pressure fan, gear reducer, turbine reducer, stepless gearbox and other Taiwanese products. In November, 2006, dongguan ruixin mechanical and electrical co., LTD was established. Successful acquisition of a reducer manufacturer in 2015, and founded sharp cooperation factories in hangzhou reducer (China) co., LTD. Research and development production and sales of sharp treasure planet gear speed reducer. With a full set of German equipment, using the technology of the best, stereo sense is very design. Product presents a timeless style, the wonderful breath of permeate a streamlined, do not break the industry standard at the same time! At present, shengfeng high pressure fan, ruibao planetary reducer, divider, has become the company's leading products, the company to product quality, rich inventory, fast delivery, timely and thoughtful service to the majority of users. Our sales philosophy is: to professional touch customers, to sincerely touch customers, to maintain customer service. We don't tell stories. We strive for excellence and innovation.


电话:0769-81615860  传真:0769-81615760  地址:虎门镇捷东南路9号科雪龙大厦B座401

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