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Putian Arts and Crafts Woodcarving Sheng Manbao Agarwood Crafts Firm


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    莆田市荔城区黄石镇胜曼宝沉香工艺品店坐落于东海之滨妈祖的故乡福建莆田市。公司以生产沉香佛珠、沉香佛像为主;积累了雄厚的实力,汇集了大批优秀的管理骨干和技术精湛的艺术工匠。选用沉香木为原料,丰富制作经验的艺术工匠采用纯手工精雕细琢而成。沉香,又名“沉水香”,“水沉香”,是含有树脂的木材历经多年沉积形成的,沉香木自古以来就是非常名贵的木料,亦是工艺品最上乘的原材料。佛珠是佛教徒在念佛时为了摄心一念而拨动计数的工具。然而,现在佛珠也逐渐成为一种配饰。用沉香制成的佛珠不仅具有玩赏性,还有很高的收藏价值。热烈欢迎广大客商共洽业务,合作发展。联系电话:18059519999   王先生
Putian City Huangcheng Town Shengmanbao Shenxiang Crafts Store is located in Putian City, Fujian Province, the hometown of Mazu in the East China Sea. The company mainly produces aloes beads and aloes statues; it has accumulated a solid strength and brought together a large number of excellent management backbones and skilled artisans. The artisans who use agarwood as raw materials and enrich the production experience are crafted with pure handwork. Agarwood, also known as "Shen Shuixiang" and "Water Agarwood", is a resin-containing wood that has been deposited for many years. Agarwood has been a very valuable wood since ancient times and is also the best raw material for handicrafts. Buddhism is a tool used by Buddhists to count and count when they are chanting Buddha. However, now the beads have gradually become an accessory. The beads made of agarwood are not only playable, but also have a high collection value. Warmly welcome customers to negotiate business and develop together. Contact number: 18059519999 Mr. Wang  


电话:0594-2690556  传真:0594-2690556  地址:福建省莆田市荔城区黄石工艺美术城玉雕一区89号

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