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(Jiangsu Zhiniu Technology Co., Ltd.)


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    智牛网(江苏智牛科技有限公司)一元夺购采用最新型的众人云筹购物模式,集购物、抽奖为一体的综合性网站,为全国实体店 商家量身定制商家联盟版块:商家展示与产品销售、各行业商家消费积分“通用”“累积”、 专享主题与互动宣传、颠覆团购模式的 新型团购系统(团购的只是优惠名额,网站不抽提成,消费款商家自己收,消费者享受积分制)。智牛网盛世起航!微波炉、电磁炉、 电磁炉等奖品等您来拿哦!有4种方式免费获得抽奖码参与抽奖:
Zhiniu.com (Jiangsu Zhiniu Technology Co., Ltd.) has purchased a comprehensive website that integrates shopping and lottery with the latest model of cloud shopping, and tailors the merchant alliance section for the national store: merchant display and Product sales, various industries, consumer spending "general" "accumulation", exclusive theme and interactive publicity, subversion of the group buying model of the new group buying system (group purchases are only concessions, the website does not extract, consumer goods merchants themselves, consumers Enjoy the points system). The wisdom of the cattle network has set sail! Microwaves, induction cookers, induction cookers and other prizes are waiting for you! There are 4 ways to get the lucky draw code for free to participate in the draw: 1. Pay attention to the official WeChat of "Zhi Niu Net One Dollar Buy", reply [sweepstakes] free access to the lottery code to participate in the draw 2, pay attention to "Zhi Niu net one yuan to buy" Sina official microblogging can get free lottery code to participate in the draw 3. Forward this event through Weibo, let your friends participate in the lucky draw for free! Private letter "智牛网一元购购" Sina official microblogging free to receive the lottery code to participate in the draw 4, WeChat share this event to the circle of friends, let your friends also participate in the lottery for free! Jiazhi cattle network customer service micro signal 8310987 free to receive the lottery code to participate in the draw Zhiniu.com recruits national prefecture-level city promotion partners!


电话:0515-6660707  传真:0515-88993322  地址:江苏盐城市建军中路106号

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