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Shandong coal mining materials Co., Ltd.


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


       山东中煤工矿公司先后通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证,获得28项矿用产品国家MA煤安认证和其他产品检验证书,并注册了国家商标局颁发的中煤商标 ,同时取得了中煤拼音商标使用权。山东中煤工矿公司荣获济宁市守合同重信用企业、山东省企业联合会常务理事单位、山东省质量管理协会常务理事单位、山东省工业经济联合会常务理事单位、山东省企业家协会常务理事单位、山东省物流与交通运输协会会员单位、济宁市“双百双千”工程信用单位、济宁银行“AAA”级信用单位、济宁市商业银行“AA”级信用单位,山东中煤工矿公司积极参与社会活动、尽到应尽的社会责任,我们获得了济宁市文明守法经营单位和警企共建单位,开展百城万店无假货活动示范单位,济宁市政府应急办公室、驻企办公室等光荣称号。
Shandong coal mining machinery and electrical appliances manufacturing division is mine construction equipment and large-scale production enterprises, the existing senior engineer 16 people, technical personnel 38 people, technician 500 people, mainly the production of various specifications of models of cars, rail, mining bracket and support equipment products, R & D and high technology content and advanced mine construction and new products, all products are state issued license. According to the need of market economy development, the company has with the National more than 120 large-scale production of mine construction products, and the country has more than 120 large-scale production of mine construction products manufacturers and National Academy of coal science and well-known mining university has established close cooperation relationship, for the development of new products, supporting the country's energy and mining construction development has laid a firm foundation. Shandong coal mining company, convenient for the customer service has been in the national various provinces and cities set up more than 10 branches and offices. Coal logistics company have been built without blind spots logistics distribution network, to provide warehousing, transportation, distribution of goods to Hong Kong, diversified logistics Service Corporation for the customers at home and abroad. Shandong coal mining company has passed the ISO9001:2008 quality management system certification, obtained 28 national MA coal mine product certification and other product inspection certificate, issued by the State Trademark Bureau and registered trademark of coal, at the same time to obtain the right to use the trademark in pinyin. Shandong coal mining company was awarded the Jining City, Shou contract re credit enterprises, enterprises in Shandong Province Association executive director units, Shandong Province Quality Management Association executive director units, Shandong Province Federation of industrial economics, executive director of the unit, Shandong Entrepreneurs Association executive director units, Shandong Province logistics and Transportation Association member units, Jining City "double hundred double thousands of" engineering unit of credit, the Bank of Jining "AAA grade credit units", Jining City Commercial Bank "AA" credit units, in Shandong coal mining companies to actively participate in social activities, do to fulfill their social responsibilities, we obtained the Jining city civilized law-abiding business units and the enterprises build unit, carry out in malls and shops without fake demonstration units, emergency office, Jining City Hall in the business office and the glorious title.


电话:0537-2368713  传真:0537-2382926  地址:山东省济宁市火炬路69号

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